Past Posts

(Shamefully behind in past post posting; working on it)

made me smile

how to help wildlife in spring

still life, titled: ‘jumping the gun slightly’

honk woof beep

things i saw

a poem for monday

we’ve got compartments

passing it on

the beginning, again

mud pies and pure design


you can take the puddle out of the girl…

what, you think this is easy?

to name but a few

sweet: the rest of the story


things i saw

the texture of words

feeling with the eyes

didn’t they used to be smaller?

delinquent paths

self portraits

things i saw

east friesan black goes with brownies

watch the birdie

happy ‘new’ year, happy old plaza

this racket of thinking

the shape of winter

stars, eggs, editors, and other bright lights

the colour of winter

scene(s) at minus twenty

(point of) view

sunday things


the colour of winter: aka, a red litter day

this is not a review: close to you, by ivan e. coyote

perhaps special powers

art lesson

georgia and me

the colour of winter

a sense of presence

a new place for old stuff

a new place for old stuff

the other morning at the beach

say to slibber sauces

assumptions and aspirations

anti-quest as irony

the colour of winter

using your noodle

having trouble relaxing?

the confines of the mediocre

fancy a cool one?

happy new year from the tropics

the year as found


happy everything!

happy solstice (December, 2010)

trees i have know and loved and some i’ve pined for

bus therapy

good news for the creative genius who doesn’t need to eat

shadow play

flying mammals on my mind

status: into the light

how i found summer at minus fourteen without leaving town and how you can too

new favourite

winter at last

ways of spreading holdiay cheer: #1

language wins

green and white goes with — red and white

a cougar fighting donkey of my own

get this!

beach walk

more than just stuff

mole skin?

things i saw

when it rains it pours (and i speak in cliches)

let it rain let it rain let it rain

bird season

once upon a morning

one tin soldier


today’s colour

massey lectures…

last of the late bloomers

jj cale vs the beatles vs the bellows

you rang?

musical herbs

party tip #1

goats are (were) one of my dreams

alien pods as farmer’s almanac, or worse?

places to find the moon

restaurant with a view

pocalogging to my own tune

today’s colour

a runcible fruit

yes yes yes, we should!

things i love

“feeling alive puts colour in your cheeks…”

can we ever stop comparing? 

x marks the start of a very happy day

today’s colour

my next cat will be called charles wallace 

chile on my mind

london things

diary of a room (with a view, a pen and a book)

just thinking

time well spent

dear mr. postman

this is how it happens

the book that started it all

today’s colour

life stories

peter’s as yet unpickled peppers

beginnings and endings and beginnings again

it’s called rutting if you must know

today’s colour

places I will not be this weekend

co-op gardening

can and cannot

a loveliness of ladybirds

red and yellow and tomatoey all over


all vines are not created equal

with(out) aplomb

the best case this tea drinker has heard for coffee

progress on the novel…?


bordering on the curious 

because it’s the weekend

the meaning of everything


today’s colour 

take this

not just for kids

a writer is a writer is a writer

a short, sweet time in stratford

vegans beware!

you didn’t hear it from me

for samantha

living in the present with an even goldener rule

today’s colour

welcome to my achy breaky world

bordering on the curious

because it’s the weekend

the meaning of everything


today’s colour

take this

not just for kids

a writer is a writer is a writer

a short, sweet time in stratford

vegans beware!

you didn’t hear it from me

girls outside in popular sportswear 

i’m glad my computer knows what day it is

love that rock

cheerio morning

cheating on my affair with memoir

vive l’ete indeed

happy booker news

yes please!

i know the face

leave the jiggery-pokery at the door

a series of lovely events (with a point)

divine sign

reading canada

a good sign

just a minute

a ripening of cucumbers

garlic report: july

planting solitude

food share program

dim sum, the movie

one fifth of canada

just deserts?

deciphering messages

manuscript status

ode to the power and pleasure of ‘retreat’

things i saw this weekend

canada eats

installation: 1.1

a space of one’s own

true colours

thank god for dames (cont’d)

thank god for dames

say it ain’t so

it’s summertime and the livin’ is (faerie) easy

happy summer solstice

enough to make a person sing (or swim)

how to stay on top of your reading

so i’m on the 401

here’s to fresh food and farmers

so why doesn’t it work for me?

aka saskatoon berry

happy world oceans day

grapes & guilt and more grapes please

‘stuff’ as story arc, plot and character development

places to live

changing thoughts

garlic report: may

fruit goes with poetry

current status

garbage ‘magic’, 101

things read in the shade

tulips on food colouring

brolly art

me and shelagh

life imitating gum

getting along with the neighbours

celine dion/cheese spread—see the connection?

things to do in the sunshine

words starting with ‘a’

garden yin and garden yang 

to list IS divine

lumbricidae-ish milestone

spring vs summer

peppermint goes with — 85% fair trade

similar things

garlic report: april

springly sightings

women’s what?

things to do with weeds

reasons i like lists

girl in pink on lawn

poetry lesson at pablo’s

the first

the reason i like real mail

it’s black liquor time

small steps and giant leaps

patent leather pumps and a plunger, please

feast of penitent women


perspective is the handicap

world water (day/week/maybe longer?)

i think i’m this

how to write a short story

the big picture

patina and perspective

good morning!

a slap in the face

hip deep in distractions and getting things done

back from chile

letting truth lie

street art

it’s all about the sentences

writing is like…

meet anton

literary nude

heaven is a place

tell me again who’s smarter?

lingering thoughts from mr. blake, with whom i spent the weekend

instructions:  moongazing at —20

theories: #1

places i (don’t) want to go

instructions: becoming real

from il giardino to valpolicella

non sense

knee deep in coffee cups

grownups from the inside and the outside

for miep and judy

things to do (and not do) with ice

c’est us, n’est pas?

a new category is born: great inventions

new year’s geese

new books

message in a bottle — received

not just another bookstore

yo rocko


any excuse for il giardino…

when it looks like nothing

power point creativity

on a warm autumn day…

darlings and ground cover

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