wordless wednesday

IMG_5602 - Copy - CopyAm breaking from my usual silence to say that I chose this shot with the hope of inspiring some chatter, or at least an expression of preferences. I’m guessing there are at least two camps at this *almost spring*  time of year—those who can’t stand it one more minute and and are fleeing the last of the snowdrops (or in the case of eastern provinces, snowdumps)… and those who are all a-twitter waiting for them to bloom.

So, at the end of winter, are you a flee or a-twitter??

Other Wordless Friends—

Cheryl Andrews
Allison Howard
Barbara Lambert
Allyson Latta
Elizabeth Yeoman

22 thoughts on “wordless wednesday

  1. Of course you know I’d love this shot Carin! Coming or going? – a metaphor for life! I’m not in the escaping mood right now as spring is here in the west, the forsythia in bloom and the bulbs up but I do empathize with those who need to go!

  2. I am actually going to Labrador next week, though we have plenty of snow of our own here in St. John’s. I’m going for work but also looking forward to skiing and dog sledding.
    About your photo, it has a nice retro feel to it thanks to the black and white and, well, just something about the concept of a turnpike in Florida. But is that trailer about to hit the sign, or is that an optical illusion?
    Oh, and the photo also reminds me of an interesting podcast I listened to the other day about “guerrilla public service” and road signs: http://99percentinvisible.org/episode/guerrilla-public-service/

    1. Ah, a third camp: those who go to Labrador for the dog-sledding! (;

      I actually find that a pretty wonderful option and, at this time of year, I’d rather that than turpikes! (Funny you mentioned that because it’s why I took the picture–such a ‘foreign’ word.) And yes, it’s an optical illusion, the trailer hitting the sign. A happy surprise when I saw the snap. As was the bird (or two?) on the street light (turnpike light?). Love it when things like that happen.

      (will definitely have a listen to the podcast, thanks, sounds interesting)

      1. I think the podcast will appeal to you, Carin. Do you know that show – 99% Invisible? Hope you enjoy it!

  3. Well it’s so unfair, i think, to say that I belong to the “stay” camp because — as Allison has remarked — we’re into forsythia out here … at least the first golden hints of them. But in truth we are “stayers” in general. Winters CAN get pretty brutal here too, and many friends flee to the desert or to Mexico but we have never had that urge. I love cosying up (sp?) to the fire, and also winter allows a time to think, I feel, so the idea of being on the road to Florida (or California for that matter ) at this point does not enchant. Though, now, I have to admit that we’ve had a couple of great road trips to California in the past! So there you go. “Yes and no on that” as an ex-textile-printing business partner used frequently to say to me, when I made a suggestion.

    1. Me too, Barbara. I actually like winter. We go south some years and that’s always nice too, but I never yearn for it the way some people do. And at this time of year I like watching for all the teensy signs of spring. Bits of green, the first of the snowdrops (amazing the way they’re just ‘there’ the second the snow melts), return of the chipmunks (sounds like a B movie, doesn’t it?). (;

  4. My trip south got delayed this year, Carin, for so many reasons. But #1 son (eldest) is helping me drive the gurly girls on their first car trip south for the entire month of April. I plan on skipping the muddy season this year …

    1. My parents liked to go away about this time of year so that when they got back they just walked right into the good weather. Missing muddy season sounds like an excellent plan! I can imagine you have a LOT of mud up there…

  5. I don’t normally mind winter. It’s the only time of year I don’t have allergies. I get out and tromp around. I like a bracing wind. But this year I’m getting tired of having to watch my step. Slip-sliding on ice. I’m staring at that spot where the crocuses will shoot up and but there’s still more than a foot of snow. I want to start my garden!

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