14 thoughts on “wordless wednesday

  1. All day Monday I felt sick and nervous, wondering if I would end the day living in a country I no longer felt at home in. The mantra that got me through was “I have faith in my fellow Canadians.” Imagine my delight, at the end of the day, when our new prime minister said, “Just have faith in your fellow Canadians.” Your beautiful wordless message is tuned in the same key. Thank you, Carin.


    1. The relief of this has just been extraordinary. I didn’t realize how long I’d been holding my breath. Years. So good to have our country back. That sense of joy out there, isn’t it beautiful? Maybe we’ve all been holding our breath and what we feel is the collective exhalation. (By the way, so good to see you again!)

  2. I wasn’t going to comment as I’m so late getting to this, but couldn’t resist Carin. Another perfect beauty from you!

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