10 thoughts on “wordless wednesday

    1. A display at the Maritime Museum in Halifax… items found after the explosion of 1917. Many people were blinded so the glasses, especially touched me.

    1. Yes, a museum display in the ‘Halifax Wrecked’ exhibit. However… something I’m noticing for the first time (and how I missed this while seeing it in person I don’t know) is the ‘pizza tab’ on the right. I mean, it’s MARKED ‘pizza tab’. What could this mean? Surely not that there was pizza delivery in 1917. I feel like I’ve missed something about this exhibit… possibly a mash-up of old items and new on some more recent dig? My own curiosity mightily piqued now… sending a note to the museum along with this pic.

  1. My eyes were pulled to the glass frames and my first wonder was whether the surrounding debris was evidence of your aggravation trying to choose a pair of glasses. Took me another second to see the tags and realize this was something else.

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