10 thoughts on “wordless wednesday

  1. Ha! Cookies cooling in the garage before heading out to the party? I love all that’s going on in this picture – cookies, car, bike, and other Stuff!

    1. Some of my favourite things. Cookies, kayaks, bikes, and my 21 year old Toyota that has spilled green paint on the trunk, which only makes me love it more.

  2. Curiouser and curiouser! But also delicious looking. Does each cookie have a lump of melted chocolate on top? And are they shortbreads?

  3. Ha! I’ll have to pay a little more attention to context. I cool baked goods, stews, soup that needs to have fat skimmed, charred peppers that aren’t cooling quickly enough for my meal schedule–on top of the recycling bin.

    1. The recycle bin, another excellent location! Soups (lid firmly secured with heavy rock against marauding soup loving varmints) I cool on the back step. We also have the cold room/cellar. A variety of temps and moods.

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