wordless wednesday

Have added this video I found (is there nothing that isn’t google-able?) of what looks like exactly the same kind of spider I saw recently in a deeply SNOWY forest. Anyone know why they come out for a stroll?

Other (not always) wordless friends:

Cheryl Andrews
Allison Howard
Barbara Lambert
Allyson Latta
Elizabeth Yeoman

6 thoughts on “wordless wednesday

    1. In the middle of a forest. Where did it come from and why??? We were gobsmacked. In fact we saw a second one a few snowshoe steps away. And the snow was deep!

    1. Assuming the compliment is for the high flier. I did nothing except wonder and marvel at this snow loving gal. (Thought it was odd but I’ve since found a video showing the same thing… so I guess it’s a ‘thing’.)

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