15 thoughts on “wordless wednesday

  1. This has a remarkable almost “science fiction” feeling … first the sheltering palms … and then as one scrolls down there is the balloon approaching, looking to me a bit eerie, though I think this effect is heightened by the colour you’ve achieved. An interesting shot indeed, beautiful and yet, to me, interestingly disturbing; reminds me of a dream I can’t quite remember!

    1. A dream you can’t remember? Oh, that’s the best reaction ever! I hope that when it comes back, if it comes back, there will be elements of balmy breezes, lovely waterfront patios, egrets and lingering afternoons, poolside, with fat or skinny books, depending on preference. (BTW, this was the holiday during which I lingered with The Whirling Girl…)

      I was going for oldy worldy postcard effect with the photoshop fiddling. My favourite thing to do in Florida is try to see through the veneer of its present to what it used to be…

  2. You are your crazy blue skies. :) I like the feel of this one — the doctored colours give it a fascinating, artificial look. As someone said, like something out of scifi (a book cover or movie poster). Love all the colours — especially of the balloon, which looks like a candy. And that tree in the foreground and overhanging it makes an effective frame. The trees in the distance against that white have a fuzzy look to them, another element of surreal.

    1. Thanks, Allyson. Artificial is exactly what I was going for. My tribute to the reality of Florida, a state which kind of fascinates me, mostly because of what’s hardly left…
      BTW, if that first line was intended to read: “You ‘and’ your crazy blue skies..” I much prefer the Freudian slip!

  3. Your colour doctoring results in a very Florida feel to me Carin and the balloon could be symbolic of the weightlessness of the day? I would love (I think) to try that – hot air ballooning that is.

    1. Thanks, Allison. I’m kind of in love with a certain era of (old world) Florida prints/pictures/postcards. Send me one when you take that balloon ride; I’ll be waiting for the happy news. On land. (:

  4. Oh yesss!!! Love this shot … so beautifully framed as well as the memories it brings back, Carin. This is what I gave D. as a wedding present 16+ years ago!

  5. “And these traveling
    Globes of thin air, red, green,

    The heart like wishes or free
    Peacocks blessing
    Old ground with a feather
    Beaten in starry metals.”

    Sylvia Plath (though she was talking about kids’ toy balloons)

    Anyway, this photo is just perfectly composed and achingly nostalgic, and I feel the same way you do about Florida.

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