17 thoughts on “wordless wednesday

  1. I love it! It looks like a red hand coming through a door handle! I have an affinity for red things in photos – it also looks like a cluster of red peppers too. Waiting for the story.

    1. I hadn’t seen that hand, but you’re right! Spooky. And it’s on the door of a house that is quite old by Ontario standards. Burned down during the war of 1812 and was rebuilt and then eventually saved from ruin and rebuilt yet again by the owner of Ravine Winery. The fireplace is original to the pre-1812 house, and the integrity throughout has been nicely preserved. [And the wine was pretty good too.]

  2. Lovely composition, Carin, and interesting contrast between the grey paint (nice detail showing the texture) and the glossy red doorknob. I can see why it attracted you and your camera. I can’t figure out what’s being reflected. It looks like fingers? Or is that an illusion? (Allison, I have a thing for red too.) Where’s the winery located?

    1. Thanks, Allyson. Nothing much being reflected except my feet in a tiny way if you scrunch up your eyes. Those ‘fingers’ are part of the doorknob grain. Ravine is in St. David’s. A new find for us. Worth the visit.

      1. They also have a restaurant [with a view!] that we didn’t get to try this time. Definitely on our list though. Lovely place.

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